Boyd's Story: The Birth of Ouder

Our story begins with Boyd, the founder of Ouder. As a typical Virgo, Boyd’s reserved nature never hindered his desire for a friendly, smile-filled atmosphere, even though his choice in footwear often seemed outdated. It wasn’t until he met a creative genius at Aalto University that a footwear revolution began.

Boyd had a strong interest in design and innovation from a young age, but his journey wasn’t always smooth. He often felt out of sync with fashion trends but was determined to create something unique. With this passion, he embarked on his educational journey at Aalto University.

At Aalto University, Boyd met a kindred spirit, a creative partner whose inspiration perfectly aligned with Boyd’s vision. Together, they decided to create a distinctive line of shoes. After countless attempts and explorations, they finally developed Ouder’s signature smiley sneakers.

Initially, Boyd wasn’t immediately drawn to these smiley sneakers, but with a playful push, they evolved into the perfect casual sneakers, reflecting Boyd’s everyday essence. His wife was initially surprised but soon realized these shoes were not just a symbol of youthful fashion but also a bold expression of personal identity.

Thus, Ouder was born. Our name is a play on the word “Outer,” symbolizing our mission to explore the boundaries of individuality and creativity. Our logo captures this mission, serving as a testament to our commitment to continuous innovation and growth. Stepping into Ouder means every pair of shoes is a step towards expressing your unique style.

The birth of the Ouder brand was not an overnight success. It embodies the countless hours of hard work and relentless effort from Boyd and his team. They understood that creating a charming and high-quality shoe was not just about design and production but also about attention to detail and a dedication to quality.

In the early days of the brand, Ouder faced numerous challenges and difficulties. The market was fiercely competitive, and funds were tight, but they always stayed true to their beliefs and resolutely followed their path. They continuously improved and innovated, launching a series of eye-catching products that won more and more consumers' love and recognition.

As time went on, the Ouder brand gradually emerged, becoming a dark horse in the fashion world. Their smiley sneakers were not only popular in the fashion circle but also became a fashion symbol for young people, representing uniqueness and individuality.

Today, Ouder has weathered many storms but has always maintained its original intention and pursuit of excellence. In the future, they will continue to uphold the concepts of innovation and quality, continuously launching more high-quality products, bringing more surprises and delightful experiences to consumers.

Boyd, as the founder of the Ouder brand, his story is not just about personal growth and struggle, but also about the birth and development of a brand. Through his actions, he has demonstrated the spirit of Virgo—his pursuit of perfection and relentless effort have created today’s Ouder, a shining star in the fashion industry.

Boyd's Masterpieces

green flat sneakers

As one of Ouder's founders, Boyd is known for his collecting habits and love for beautiful things. He infused these traits into his designs, creating Ouder's Canvas Regular series. Boyd loves to systematically organize and collect various colors and elements, a unique hobby that sparks his creative inspiration. Ouder's first iconic series, the Ouder Smile, was born from this concept.

After launching the Ouder Smile, Boyd introduced the Smile Avocountry model. The green hue and unique texture of the Smile Avocountry quickly won market favor, becoming a hit product. Encouraged by this success, Boyd went on to design the complete color series for Ouder’s basics, offering a diverse and artistically rich palette that provides consumers with a wealth of choices.